Daily Mass Readings: Eucharist Covenant/Sacrifice

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 The connection between the Old Testament reading from Exodus 24:3-8 and the Gospel reading from Mark 14:12-16, 22-26 in today's Mass readings for the Solemnity of Corpus Christi (June 2, 2024) centers on the theme of covenant and sacrifice.

Old Testament Reading (Exodus):

In this passage, Moses communicates God's laws and ordinances to the people of Israel. They willingly accept the covenant, pledging obedience. To seal this covenant, Moses performs a ritual involving an altar, sacrifice, and the sprinkling of blood on both the altar and the people. This act signifies the establishment of a sacred bond between God and His chosen people.

Gospel Reading (Mark):

The Gospel narrates the Last Supper, where Jesus institutes the Eucharist. He takes bread and wine, blesses them, and shares them with his disciples, saying, "This is my body... this is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many." This act echoes the covenant sacrifice from Exodus, but with a profound difference: Jesus himself becomes the sacrificial lamb, offering his body and blood for the forgiveness of sins.

The Connection:

Both readings emphasize the importance of covenant and sacrifice in establishing and maintaining a relationship with God. The Old Testament covenant is ratified through the blood of animals, while the New Covenant is sealed through the blood of Christ. The Eucharist, therefore, becomes a memorial and re-presentation of Jesus' ultimate sacrifice, inviting believers to partake in the New Covenant and receive the graces of salvation.

In summary:

The Old Testament reading sets the stage for understanding the significance of covenant and sacrifice in God's relationship with humanity. The Gospel reveals the fulfillment of this covenant in Jesus, whose sacrifice transcends the old rituals and establishes a new, everlasting covenant through the Eucharist. Both readings highlight the centrality of sacrifice in connecting with the divine and receiving God's grace.


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