Compassionate Cabrini -Cabrini Movie Thoughts

Compassionate Cabrini had all the virtues in her necessary to become a saint. She loved God and took God's love to the world. She was born in a small village near Milan, Italy. She had formed a group of religious sisters called the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Her initial idea was to travel to China to do mission work there. However after a visit to the Vatican, Pope Leo XIII advised her not to Go East but rather to go West to New York City where there were Italian Immigrants in need. In this we see God's will being done not hers. Often we think we know what we are going to do but God has better plans prepared for us. 

Throughout her life she established many schools, hospitals, and orphanages. To do this she had to overcome many obstacles. this required in her to practice the virtue of Fortitude...meaning the courage to do what is right in the face of many obstacles. She had to endure much. We can often comfort ourselves and strengthen ourselves with Bible verses. In the movie she mentions the verse, "I can do all things through him who strengthens me" (Phillipians 4:13, ESV). She had many obstacles because Archbishop Corrigan of New York initially told her to go home to Italy. The Archbishop had to balance the needs of the rest of his Church. Also Cabrini had to deal as well with the opposition coming from the City Mayor who looked down on the Italians like we still look down on certain groups today; instead favoring the Rich. The Bible says: "A righteous man knows the rights of the poor; a wicked man does not understand such knowledge" (Prov 29:7, ESV). We see this clearly in the film where both the Archbishop and more especially the Mayor do not know the rights of the poor. They only see their current entrenched interests. Of course this still goes on today in the government, the society, the community, and at the individual level. 

In the government we see how the Rich get many privileges while the government often neglects the poor and the marginalized. In the society, we see certain attitudes in general against certain groups of people depending on their status, race, color, language, etc. In the community, we see how people in cities can walk by the homeless while on their way to dine at nice restaurants. In individuals, we see certain attitudes and bullying towards those who seem to be less than us. This is not to say that the government doesn't do good work already with many programs for the poor and homeless. Government programs for healthcare and education are also in place to help many. Not all in society have these negative attitudes towards others who are not like them. In community, there are many good charities that do good work for others. There are indeed individuals who do show a christ-like spirit of compassion towards others acting with a pure heart. Where in some areas we are still lacking, we must commend the good work done by many individuals and charities today. 

We are all children of God and so we need to treat all people better. Cabrini knew the virtue of Justice which is about rendering what is due to the other. As children of God we are all owed our dignity. Cabrini knew this and rendered to the poor what was their due as children of God.

In the film, there is an article published in the New York Times saying that rats had it better than many immigrants. Still today in cities across our country there are many who don't live in good conditions at all. Yet we can easily neglect or forget about these people. Cabrini did not forget or overlook them. She did God's work and saw where she could serve. How can we ask these same questions today? How can we act upon the same convictions that Cabrini had? 

  • The conviction that the poor deserve shelter and care
  • The conviction that the ignorant need a Catholic education. 
  • The conviction that the sick need hospitals (not only the rich that can afford care)
  • The conviction that the love of Christ is true and we need to spread it to all people
"For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them." (Eph 2:10, ESV)

Cabrini was certainly God's workmanship. God created her in Christ Jesus for good works. God surely seemed to have prepared these works before hand. Cabrini walked in these good works her entire life.

Often times in our prayer life we ask God to do personal things for us. Yet God does not give us answers to prayer if we have selfish desires(James 4:3). We are to "try to discern what is pleasing to the Lord"(Eph 5:10, ESV). 

Cabrini let her light shine before others. "In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give Glory to your Father who is in heaven" (Matthew 5:16, ESV). 

God was working in her to do these good works; "For it is God who works in you, both to will and to work for his good pleasure" (Phillipians 2:13)

God worked everything for Cabrini's good for she was called according to His Purpose. Despite all the challenges and opposition, everything worked for good. God's providence was seen throughout here life supplying her the buildings she needed, the resources she needed, the money she needed, etc. In the movie Cabrini said something along the lines of, "if you start the mission the resources will come." It is true that if we are doing God's work he will work all things for good including providing whatever you may need. You only need the faith and fortitude to face the giants and conquer them. The referred to bible verse: "And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose" (Romans 8:28, ESV)

So what are we called to do? We must seek what God's purpose for us is as individuals. We will all be held accountable to judgment. Did we take care of the poor? Jesus commands us in Matthew 25:35-46 to take care of the marginalized. 

  • Feed the Hungry 
  • Give food to the thirsty 
  • Welcome strangers
  • Clothe the naked
  • Visit the sick
  • Come to those who are in prison
When we do these things we are doing these things in love for the Lord Himself (Matthew 25:40)

I hope to honor Cabrini's life and live a saintly life as she did. I will pray for you all and I ask you pray for me to fulfill the calling to love God and to love our neighbor as ourselves (Mark 12:30-31).

Related Bible Verses: 

"But when you give a feast, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind." (Luke 14:13)
-Do we despise the poor only to invite those with "honor"/ membership status to our gatherings? There are some foundations and organizations that do great charitable work and do include others. I am talking about those who get power and honor and then get to the point of thinking they are too good for others. 



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