Repent for Lent

 How does one repent for Lent?

What does repentance mean? 

It means to have sincere regret or remorse for one's sins or even for the sins of hunanity as a whole. 

In our Catholic faith we realize that we are sinners. We need a savior because we are sinners. If we were not sinners then we would not need a savior. We would not need the Church. We would not need Jesus Christ. 

Truly, the foundation of our faith is repentance. 

Matthew 3:2

[2] “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.” (ESV)

The kingdom of heaven is where God's will is done on earth as it is in heaven. 

When Adam and Eve sinned they decided to live on their own self will rather than what God commanded. 

So by repenting we are changing our selfish ways and returning to God's will being done on the Earth. 


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